National Registry of Food Safety Professionals
D. L. Newslow & Associates, Inc. is proud to offer the following 1/2 day workshop
In association with Romer Labs:
Everyone has the right to have access to safe and healthy foods, yet contamination can occur at any point in the process, from producer to consumer. According to the CDC, one in six people in the United States are sickened each year with a foodborne illness.
Another issue is the presence of allergens in certain foods and they account for the single largest cause of global food recalls. The path that food takes today, from farm-to-processor, or farm-to-plate, can be very complex. Which is why having a system in place to make sure that products/environments are safe is so important.
This workshop focuses on learning how to implement analytical testing tools to support an effective food safety management system and specifically how environmental monitoring can be used as a cost-effective solution to control risk during the process.